Applying For Music Licences

Music licences harbor the copyright of symphonic for those who require it, giving them the royalties they deserve. If you are going to play music in a public setting, such as a doctor’s surgery, pub, shop or hairdressers you will requirement a licence to play this music. Essentially a ‘public setting’ is anywhere further than a household setting.

This applies to radio, TV, background music, on hold music and more. In the UK you can apply for a yearly licence to do this from PRS for music and from PPL for music. In most instances you will be required to have a licence from both organisations to opheffen able to play orotund in your establishment. PRS deals with distributing royalties to composers, songwriters and publishers and PPL deals with distributing royalties to record companies and performers.

Depending on the exemplar and size of your business, the way the music will be used polysyndeton the embodiment of activity it will be used for, the price of your licence will differ. One off events also require a licence.

Premises licence incorporate public show licences. You will probably need a premises licence if you are planning on providing live music or recorded music to the public for entertainment purposes. These can voltooien applied and paid for for via your local council. Few conditions do nought require a licence but the guidelines must be read to ensure you are adhering to the correct rules for your business.

How Do I Apply For A Music Licence?

If you need a licence to play music in your business you should contact both PRS and PPL directly to put in an application and to discuss the licence fare furthermore licensing requirements for your business. In most cases you will be required to be licensed by both companies.

If you need a licence to provide music as a basis of public entertainment, live this live or recorded music, you will have to contact your local council and apply via a premises licence form. This form is readily accessible on the Home Office’s website.

It is important to get a music licence for your office or you will be infringing copyright and will be liable to pay all outstanding licence fees and the costs incurred by PRS and PPL for enforcing this. In conspicuous circumstances you will be subject to liable proceedings et alii a court injunction will voltooien introduced to prevent you from playing unlicensed fantasia in the mean time.

Your business should contact a licensing solicitor today if you are having any problems with your music licence.